Attempts to bit-for-bit identically rebuild each Debian binary package found in the distribution archive, using the .buildinfo file produced when the buildd originally built the package.
In more detail:
For each distributed package, rebuilderd calls debrebuild that calls debootsnap, mmdebstrap and finally sbuild to build that package within a user namespace.
Hopefully coming soon: armel, mips64el, ppc64el, s390x and unstable/*!
(Though we currently have no idea how to get access to mips64el systems...)
Do you have hardware idling? Because, for sure, Debian rebuilding Debian is superb and it's something we've been working on for years!
So this is great, and yet we want more: we want independent rebuilders, and we want them for all Debian architectures and in a
diverse variety of setups and settings...!